Since 2015,
we’ve been a stable, safe & self-funded proof of stake cryptocurrency that allows anyone to generate automatic interest, based on the amount.
Automatic Interests
Steady growth of value and volume over time coupled with a decreasing rate of inflation make Neutron a sensible choice for long term staking and solid ROI.
Community Supported
Our Team is as Strong as our Community! With Our Exchanges, 200+ Masternodes Continuously Supporting Our Mission.
Masternode Tech
Proof of stake cryptocurrency advanced users, may operate a “Nucleus Node” to support the network and be paid for the work your node does.
Constant Development
10% of all network production is always directed to the constant development of our wallet, network and features.
Eco friendly wallets
Let your wallet reward you
NTRN wallet pays interest automatically.
Neutron Wallet v4.1.2 is out.
All you need to hold a Masternode and start making more than 40%/year in NTRN coins without any worries. You just need a computer and 25k Neutrons.
17%/year in NTRN coins is offered by simply holding any amount of coins in your wallet.


Windows Wallet

Mac OS Wallet
Mac OSX.

Linux Wallet

Linux QT Wallet

Compile from Source

Coin Specs
No Premine
Tech Specs
RPC Port: 32000 P2P
Port: 32001
Block Time
Coinbase Maturity
PoW Generated
PoS kicked in @
PoS Coin Maturity
5h (hi PoS)
Masternode Tools
Block Explorer
Information about the Masternodes
MN Payments